Recent Read: The Third Target by Joel Rosenberg

As much as I love classic books, I love reading action/adventure books the most.  You can give me a political/military/investigative thriller any day over a love story.  Yet, I also prefer to read Christian authors over secular writers.  However, a balance between those two genres is difficult to achieve.

I have found that author Joel Rosenberg fits perfectly into that category.  I have read all of the novels he has put out, and they are always intriguing, fast-paced, and right on the money when it comes to Middle Eastern events and their ties to Biblical eschatology, yet another interest of mine.  That’s why I absolutely devoured this book –  The Third Target – finishing over 400 action-packed pages in only a few days.  This is probably my favourite genre and one of my very favourite authors, and The Third Target certainly did not disappoint.

This time around, Rosenberg focuses on an ambitious reporter named J.B. Collins as the main character in this wild ride of a story.  Set as though this timeline could happen now, the twists and turns of Collins’ adventures take him into the war zone that is an ISIS-dominated Middle East.  As terrorists continue to fight over key locations in Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere, Collins is especially interested in the men at the top of the organization.  Risking it all, he sets up meetings with the key players of the ISIS leadership, hoping to get the preliminary scoop on some of the most wanted and the most sadistic men on the planet.  Despite the danger that keeps following him, Collins refuses to lose the story, earning him widespread recognition and attention from both sides of the battlefield.

As in reality, ISIS is considered to be a threat by this story’s characters.  However, unlike many in the West, Collins does not underestimate the length these radicals will reach to fulfill their appetite for violence against infidels.  Standing in the midst of the enemy, Collins witnessed them first-hand and reported on the full extent of their purposes, their potential, and their plans for the imminent future.  The question is, will the rest of the world believe what he has to present?


Currently Reading: The Day of the Triffids

Lovely Little Naomi | Currently Reading: The Day of the TriffidsAs a continuation of my classics reading spree, I have been making my way through the oddity of a book that is The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham.  Like with many sci-fi books, this story is a strange one, but unlike many I’ve read, the circumstances in this book are something I’ve never come across before.

This story follows a man by the name of William Masen, a man living in mid-century England.  After an eye surgery due to an occupational accident, he wakes up the next morning to find the hospital at an inexplicable standstill.  Once he rids himself of the bandages, he discovers everyone else left blinded after the spectacle of strange green lights that had blazed across the sky the night before, lights that at the time he was sorry to miss in his state of recovery.  Without the wrappings that had ironically protected him from the fate of the rest, he soon ventures out onto the streets where he only finds more in a similar sightless state, helpless, and at the mercy of the wild.

To throw another wrench in the mix, we come to find out that unusual plants that have come to be known as triffids have been quietly infesting the earth for some time.  However, these are unlike any other plants before them.  As they mature, these plants form the ability to release a whip-like stinger that possesses enough venom to kill or seriously maim a man, though that is only the beginning of their unusual nature.  The strangest part?  These plants can pull up their roots and walk.

In a world full of mobile, carnivorous plants, a population of blind people are left as sitting ducks for such monstrous weeds.  As William finds his way through the chaos and confusion, he must weigh the odds and survive in a world turned on its head and left to fend for itself.  With law and order out the window, he must decide how to live as human nature is rubbed raw and nature reveals the true extent of its power.

When the blind are leading the blind, a sighted man must arise on behalf of mankind.


June James Challenge Wrap-Up

016With June now over and the June James Challenge completed, I am both satisfied with how it went and am welcoming a change of pace after a full 30 days in a single book.  As did many of you, I most certainly learned much from this challenge, both from the text and about devotions in general.


These were my lessons for the challenge’s last two days:

  • June 29
    • Every issue that is big now was at one point small.  That is when all issues must be addressed in the Christian life.
    • Do your best to help fellow believers in spiritual trouble, since that will have the greatest impact on their life and prevent the most problems.
  • June 30
    • To have a faithful life, one must be required to have diligent perseverance.

And with that, my notes and observations are at an end!

The Challenge

Now, I also noticed certain things that spanned the entire challenge itself.  This having been my first time doing something like this, there were many things that were positive, but several others that could have been better.

What I enjoyed:

  • the encouragement having a group of people studying the same material and sharing with everyone what they were learning
  • focusing on one passage, which forced me to analyze deeper implications of James’ writing
  • keeping notes of my observations to look back on
  • being reminded of what I had read previously through these weekly reports
  • the practicality in this book that made it easy for God to show me something new everyday, often concerning something that I was struggling with

What I would do differently:

  • A similar challenge, but with an even shorter passage and shorter time period.  I found that to read the whole book took a lot of effort every day, and after the initial excitement of starting the challenge, the last couple of weeks weren’t as fruitful or involved.
  • Not gauging the success of the challenge on how vocal people were on their end of things.  I made that mistake at the beginning, so when people’s responses began to taper off through the month, I was disappointed.

Thank you so much to everyone who participated and was involved both online and in person!  The goal was to start people talking about devotions, and that definitely happened, even though it wasn’t on the grand scale that I imagined.  I’m glad that I had the chance to share this with you guys, and who knows – maybe sometime in the future I’ll come back and revisit this book in yet another new way!

See weeks one, two, three and four.


June James Challenge: Fourth Week’s Report

007editI can’t believe the June James Challenge is already coming to a close!  I have discovered so much over this month and it has really helped to understand this book by going over it repeatedly.  The big themes like faith, trials, impartiality, self-control, Christian fellowship, etc. still continue to wow me every day.  I don’t know about you guys but this month has allowed me to focus on things I would have otherwise missed, and there were many days where God showed me just what I needed to hear.

Here’s how this week went:

  • June 22
    • Am I willing to be God’s servant?
    • Your life only yields what is within it, what has put into it.  Be sure those things are of value and worth.
    • Be patient to see what God is doing.  Our lives are delicate, so they take time, like crops growing.  The finished product must take time so that it can be enjoyed by all.
  • June 23
    • 2:13 – Take care – you too will one day be judged.
    • Benevolence is extended on those who are humble.
  • June 24
    • Perfect law of liberty – God’s laws are perfect and freeing.
    • Passions at war – we are the battlefield.  Our guard must be up at all times against attacks.
  • June 25
    • It’s not material things that we lack, but rather spiritual things.  Those are what we truly need.
    • Stumbling is a part of life, but are not an excuse, rather something to always be working on.
    • Works must be grounded in wisdom and the meekness that comes out of wisdom.  Works must have correct reasons and processes involved.
    • If I am as temporary as a mist, of what real value are my possessions?
  • June 26
    • Sin is never excused or condoned or sanctioned by God.  No one can take the blame for sin but the person that does it.  They are at fault because they have succumbed to their sinful desires.
    • Think twice about what you do and say.  Make sure it is grounded in wisdom.
  • June 27
    • Testing of faith is associated with loving God, and upon this basis alone are we rewarded .  Great importance is thus placed loving God.
    • There must be a strong distinction between companionship with God versus with the world.
    • In light of gay pride: “God opposes the proud.”  End of discussion.
  • June 28
    • Temptation will always appear.  What matters is how you deal with it.
    • Keep your desires under control.  Be in control of them, not them in control of you.  When that line is crossed, it has become an addiction.
    • Always have good integrity.  Act as though someone is always analyzing your moves.
    • The Lord is compassionate – not standoffish.  He is very involved and interested in our lives.

For those that are still persevering in this challenge: stick it out!  Let’s make it to the end of the month together, and I’ll have a recap in a few days once it’s over to look back on everything that has happened!

See weeks one, two and three.


June James Challenge: Third Week’s Report

Well, the June James Challenge is soon coming to a close.  Only a week or so left!  I hope all of you are still hanging in there and finding more lessons from this packed little book of wisdom.  It has gone well so far, so keep on going and talking about what you find (join the discussion with #junejameschallenge on Instagram)!

trying something different for this week of the #junejameschallenge and noticing some new things in this #book! 📖🎧#audiobible #audiobook #audio #listen #sound #earbuds #bible #biblereading #devos #devotions #newapproach #different #bookstagram #books #james #VSCOcam

I’ve been doing pretty well, but this past week, the things I was gleaning were getting a bit sparse, so  I decided to try something different.  In addition to reading from KJV instead of my normal ESV, one method I tried was to listen to James read aloud online instead of reading it myself.  I have never tried it before, but it really did help me to slow down and look at the material differently.  On the days that I tried it, I had more things jump out than when I read it myself.

These were the revelations from my past week in James:

  • June 15
    • Just like a tree producing different fruit than what is natural, it should be impossible for a Christian’s mouth to be consistently double-tongued.
  • June 16
    • God’s Word saves souls!  But that only happens when it is received with meekness.
  • June 17 (audio day)
    • Wavering in faith is seen as something extreme, like someone caught in a violent storm.  Not to be taken lightly, as disaster is imminent.
    • Because God made us, we must have control over ourselves in order to serve Him well.
    • Who do you look down on?
    • What are you doing for those who are low?
    • The tongue is an arsonist that gets burned while playing with fire.
    • Sin we do is devilish.
    • To the double-minded, it is said, “purify your hearts”.  Interesting correlation between heart and head.
    • To follow the Lord’s will, ultimate submission is required.
  • June 18
    • A steadfast faith stands firm under stress and busyness.
    • Godly wisdom’s character is firstly pure, the priority before any other characteristic.
  • June 19
    • Grumbling brings judgment.
    • Getting away from the truth is serious and requires help and attention from godly people.  (Be a part of this process to help others.)
    • Truth saves people from death.
  • June 20 (audio day)
    • Riches only last as long as a flower.
    • Outward appearances can be deceiving.  Don’t be deceived; treat all people the same way.
    • Works is the evidence of the faith’s reality.
    • Compromise is adultery against God.  Do you have an affair with the world?
  • June 21
    • Do not err: no room for excuses to be made, just the command to be followed.

I hope that this exercise is still being profitable for all of you.  God has been showing us much, so I have high hopes for this final week!

See the first week’s report here, last week’s report here, and the fourth week’s report here.


June James Challenge: Second Week’s Report

How has the month been going for you guys in regards to the June James Challenge?  I have been keeping at it, and am still learning a lot out of this little book.  James keeps amazing me every day!  It has certainly been a challenge to put in the effort of noting every day’s lessons, but each time, God shows me something new of value!
One thing I noticed during the past couple days of the #junejameschallenge was the phrase where the tongue is referred to as a deadly poison. James made his point: it should shock us that the worst poison in the world is sitting right in our mouths!  Be careful of what you say; you can poison someone.  Have you read James today? #bible #biblereading #devos #devotions #challenge #photo #photography #VSCOcam #james #read #reading #book #books #bookstagram #words #becareful
  • June 8
    • The idea of being poor in the world, but rich in faith: God’s view is so very opposite to the world, and that makes complete sense.
    • Believers are heirs to God’s kingdom, and still we dare to dishonour each other and therefore God!
    • Money cause corruption in people.
    • 4:7-10 contains a series of commands: submit, resist, draw near, cleanse, mourn/weep, and be humble.  Together, they outline the process of repentance!
    • If these are followed, what starts with submission to God will end with Him exalting us!
  • June 9
    • Steadfastness is meant to produce maturity; a faith that is all over the place shows weakness and immaturity.
    • Desire is a shrewd seductress.
    • Godly people are to live to serve the lesser and live an unstained life (good illustration: sin can’t be left to soak in, so must be dealt with quickly and thoroughly or else there will be permanent damage).
    • Act as though you are under constant scrutiny – because YOU ARE.
    • Passions cause wars.
    • 5:5-6 describes the Western World to a tee.  True and scary.
  • June 10
    • Self-centered sin makes you live in falsehoods; you are contrary to God’s truth.
  • June 11
    • Making distinctions between people is straight up evil.
    • Mercy is greater than judgment: why legalism is flawed.  Plus, thank goodness for the truth of this, otherwise we wouldn’t have salvation!
    • On the tongue being a deadly poison: oh the irony that the worst poison in the world is sitting inside everyones’ mouths!
  • June 12
    • False religion can’t separate the beliefs from the efforts to gain salvation.  Works is what they believe in.  True religion can, because it is the opposite.  Faith results in works, not vice versa.  We know efforts can’t save us, so we only act a result of Who saved us.
    • Genuine works come from those with godly wisdom.
    • Be honest in your promises.  Be known for integrity.
  • June 13
    • The contrasts of God’s view: the lowly are exalted and the rich humiliated.
    • “Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath”.  Don’t pick petty fights and take God’s perspective into mind.  There is no righteousness in our impulsive and sinful reactions.
    • Want to be godly?  Visit the widows.
    • Speaking against men is doing the same to God.
  • June 14
    • Works just channel the energy that comes from believing.

I have certainly gained a great deal from this journey, but I am definitely not the only one!  I am glad to see updates from people that are sharing (use #junejameschallenge to join in), but I realize that the success of this challenge is not dependent on regular posts!  I know that many others of you are benefiting from this challenge in private even beyond the reach of the internet.  That is the ultimately the goal, so keep it up!

One of my mentors had this to say on what she has been learning recently from James:

James 1:26-27 “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart this person’s religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

Such simplicity yet the hardest thing to do ~ to keep oneself unstained from the world. We are to live in the world but not be influenced or stained by it. Throughout the book of James is the constant thread of evaluating our personal walk with the Lord. Every area of our lives is addressed with clarity and we are left to choose to be hearers only or to put into practice God’s Word.


During my reading, I have been noticing that an over-arching theme in the book of James is the idea of looking at things from God’s perspective.  James knew that his audience was only looking out for themselves, and to change that, they had to recognize that God’s view was a full 180 degree’s difference from theirs.  James lay it out clearly: what you see is not what God sees.  However, he reiterated over and over that noticing that fact can’t be the end of the story; when a godly perspective is taken into account, that new dynamic should influence lives to change drastically.  James reached his contemporaries with this message, and today’s society must see it as well.

Will you help to spread the truth of James’ letter by continuing to talk about what you are learning?

See last week’s report here, and see the following reports for the third week and fourth week.


My Disappointment with Orwell: A Reaction to 1984

#writing about my disappointment with this #book this afternoon. Have you read #1984? What did you think of it? 📖 #books #read #reading #bookstagram #classics #instabooks #literature #bibliophile #georgeorwell #orwell #dystopian #classic #bigbrother #review #disappointed

I have been on a classics reading kick for about a year or so now.  I didn’t have the chance to read many of the well-known books in literature during my high school years, so I am now making a point of reading them on my own as the bookworm that I am.

As of this spring, 1984 by George Orwell was still on my to-be-read list.  So, I got ahold of it and read it this month.

In light of everything I had heard of this book, I simply was shocked by the plot.  Of all of the books I have ever read, I think that the ending to this book left me the most disappointed and upset that I have ever been over a story.

(Warning: Spoilers to follow.)

The Story

To refresh the plot in your mind, this book follows the life and activities of Winston Smith, a man living in what once was Britain, in a very different 1984 from what we know, when a dystopian and very socialistic society has overtaken the world.  Divided into three constantly warring superstates, the world is forever in conflict.

Meanwhile the citizens of Winston’s state must always follow the dictates of their government, the Party, for fear of being rounded up and convicted and/or executed for committing Thoughtcrimes.  These Thoughtcrimes are perpetrated by questioning the leaders or thinking for themselves.  Instead, citizens are to blindly follow the mandates of the Parties while erasing any trace that the Party is in the wrong.  The structures that are in place destroy the liberty of humanity and free speech, while erasing anything that brings joy aside from service to the Party.  Such a system plants into the population a love for the very thing that is choking them, only making the force of the Party ever stronger.

The story follows Winston, as he goes about his job in one of the Ministries of the Government.  His job is to erase every piece of evidence that proves that there is anything the matter with the Party, and invent new fabrications that cover the maneuvers the Party makes to eradicate dissenters and enemies to the state.

We follow his participation in the daily Two-Minutes-Hate, a time where rage is targeted at a man who, according to the Party, is said to supposedly be the leader of the resistance.  We watch as facts and history itself is mended to fit the Party’s story without a single question against these actions.  Nothing is ever corroborated in Winston’s world; he must simply accept the word of the Party and do as he is told while hiding his true beliefs behind closed doors.

That is, until Julia.  Though he suspects her at first of being a spy, the two are quickly drawn together via their mirrored convictions.  Neither one is on the side of the Party, and soon build a private life together.  Though their time is brief, they rebel in various ways, hoping to join the resistance and carving out a corner of solitude of their own where the Party can’t touch them.

They are quickly found out and dragged away by the Thought Police.  In custody, they are separated and Winston goes through starvation, beatings, torture, and mind games.  Eventually, he succumbs to the pressures of his torturers and absorbs the false beliefs they force onto him.  The book ends with his release back into society and his return to alcoholism as he fully commits to and even begins to love the Party.

My Reaction

What I found so unnerving in this story was the fact that absolutely nothing was resolved in the course of Winston’s narrative.

One of the most disturbing parts for myself was the knowledge that the tenets of this society were so inherently wrong and Winston still chose to accept them, albeit under heavy persuasion to leave his doubts behind.

Their world is the very opposite of what the world is to be.  The Party removed freedom, emotion, love, affection, and trust, only to replace them with a fabricated fervor to serve a flawed organization.  Deliberate ignorance had replaced humanity, a concept sharply opposite to everything for which I stand.

This couple recognized the evil imposed upon them and tried to fight back.  However, I don’t agree with the way they went about doing that.  Their secret affair was wrong in itself, and though they found solace and companionship in each other, their eagerness to right a great wrong sent them to the opposite extreme.  In their rebellion against an evil thing, they started down the same path.  They were willing to lie, sabotage, kill and torture, and were even prepared to maim children if it was a strike against the Party and would keep them together.  Even if it is for a good cause, the end never justifies the means.

Yet, I still had high expectations for how the book would conclude.  About two-thirds of the way through, I stopped for a moment, wondering when the action would ramp up and when the characters would actually begin to tear down such an obviously wrong system.  I have read dystopian stories before, and in each of them, the main character causes a change for the better that drastically affects the way the world is run.  I expected Winston and Julia to be no different, to become part of a movement that overthrew the Party, liberating humanity and restoring the balance of life back to normal.  I expected them to surpass the hardship and have an effect on those with whom they came in contact, inspiring others to take up the torch and fight back.

The ending in comparison seemed to me to be a cop out.  Winston and Julia started to take action, then were seized, separated, and brainwashed into believing something that they had recognized was evil.

The main character never achieved anything of value and was deposited, helpless and ravaged at the conclusion of his story.  He wasn’t even privileged to have been given the minute victory of sticking to his beliefs.  He caved in under pressure and let the system win over yet another passive soul.  Nothing changed over the course of this narrative.  That is part of the reason why it was so haunting.

I understand that this story is a warning to the world to never let it get to be this bad, that nothing short of a miracle can stop a system of that magnitude once it begins, yet, I feel that this story was robbed of any conclusion.

However, beyond everything else, perhaps the scariest aspect of the novel was the fact that I can recognize some of the Party’s ideas already growing in society today.  With tolerance, post-modern thinking and a loosening on the absolutes of right and wrong, it is easy to see how dangerous the world can get.  Orwell was right to warn the world, and I am surprised at the many people I’ve come across who say they genuinely enjoy this book, because I feel that it instead should scare them.  It is those accepting attitudes in the world that are leading down the road to a system that will one day resemble a horror like that of the Party.  I hope for the day when people will stand up in our world for what is right, people who won’t take their cause to their own wrong extremes, people who are very much the opposite of Winston and Julia.


June James Challenge: First Week’s Report and Phase 2

I am glad to say that the June James Challenge has had a great start!  I’m grateful to see so many of you picking it up, and it’s been awesome to see what some of you are learning on Instagram (follow along with the hashtag #junejameschallenge).027edit

My Report

I have to admit, I have made it through every day’s reading, but this challenge has been turbulent for me.  I struggle with procrastination, so several times I’ve found myself still awake at 12:30 not having read James for that day.  Honestly, it takes real work to set aside the time it takes to do this.  Some days I’ve zipped through the book, noticing a thing or two, while on others, I get bogged down with everything I’m seeing just in Chapter 1.  I’ve had to make corrections after being convicted in certain areas, and other times I am simply overwhelmed at something that God shows me.  Reading this book over and over has given me a new perspective, and every day something new pops out at me.

Here are just some of the little things I’ve learned in this past week:

  • June 1
    • Putting off the world is a common theme – CONVICTING.
    • The state of people’s hearts – outer religion was having no effect (and still isn’t today).
    • Sin brings chaos and disorder – explains the world today!
    • God’s perspective on judgment.
    • Ultimately, James was concerned with the sincerity of people’s faith and was trying to shock people back into a proper Christian lifestyle.
  • June 2
    • Ironies of materialism (the rich make a worse fuss than the rest).
    • More visibility requires more accountability (noticed as I am the one heading this up, so I have to be the example, and also as I start to have more spiritual influence as an adult).
    • Be careful of how attached you get to things of the world.
  • June 3
    • Testing of faith leads to steadfastness which leads to lacking nothing (a sure faith means you aren’t low/unstable on any vital aspect); if we lack wisdom, ask of God. (DUH!)
    • When asking, expect God to do things, otherwise your faith is unsure and you seriously underestimate and insult God’s power.
    • Sinful desire leads to death.
    • Discovery that 2:10 is actually in the context of judging people – if you judge, you are just as guilty as they are.
    • Godly wisdom is the only wisdom that is truly open to reason.
  • June 4
    • Being a friend of God requires time and sacrifice of lifestyle to earn that high a regard.
    • Take care to treat those made in God’s image with kindness.
    • “If the Lord wills” should be my outlook for all of life and my future plans.
  • June 5
    • In a temporary world, stability must be found in God.
    • Hearing and not doing only tricks yourself into a false sense of righteousness – by not doing, you live a lie, but through doing, there comes blessing.  Choice: deception or blessing?
    • Illustration of small things controlling large things – be careful of what has power over you.
    • I can’t worry about what the future holds because it is arrogant to think I have any control over it.
    • Our Judge is at the door, watching us – like disobedient little kids that don’t know their parent is standing behind them.
    • The power of prayer is because of the power of God.
  • June 6
    • Of our own efforts, we can’t produce righteousness.
    • Peace only yields more peace.
  • June 7
    • Temptation starts within self – no “devil made me do it”.  It starts in our desires.
    • There is no change within God, and thanks be for that!
    • Failure to act of God’s Word causes spiritual Alzheimer’s (forgetting as soon as you look away).  Terrifying!
    • Partiality=sin.
    • The potential of a whole sinful world is within the tongue.
    • Just being steadfast brings blessing.

Phase 2

We are now over a week into this, so now comes phase two: actually discussing it.  Now that we are somewhat familiar with the material, all of us can start to dig in deeper and think about the implications of what James is saying.

But it can’t stop there. 

The whole purpose of this challenge is to inspire you guys to speak up about your spiritual growth.  There are all sorts of ways to join in on this:

  • Start a discussion down in the comments
  • Use the #junejameschallenge hashtag on Instagram, Facebook, etc.
  • Write your own material on what you have noticed (and send me the link in the comments if you post it!!)
  • Bring it up in your real life conversations

Besides these options, there are any number of ways to bring this challenge into your everyday life, so start being vocal about what God is showing you through this commitment.  Some of my friends have already been doing that, and here are some of their comments to encourage you to start doing the same:

The #junejameschallenge has allowed me to experience some things which I knew but now I have seen. The first is that the Word of God is infinite. It never loses it’s depth or richness. I learn something new each time. Secondly, I love the sense of community knowing that I’m studying this book on my own but along with so many others. It truly feels like the Body of Christ and a family. In fact, last night, I discovered that one of my friends has taken up the challenge and we began discussing what we have been learning and are going to read it together today! I look forward to the discussion we will have. Scripture never goes easy on me. Every time I read 3:14-16, I think of friendships where I may be jealous or want my friend to give me something I perceive that I’ll “need”(self-seeking). This passage says that where those two things are, confusion and every evil thing are present also. This motivates me to want to have relationships which are completely void of both envy and self- seeking because I now see the true ramifications. There is much more learning to come from this book, I just know it and I would love to take part in another challenge like this in months to come.


A challenge to keep it up even when you don’t feel like you have time! Make time 🙂


James 2 -“Show no partiality” how often do we see this in the church today??? How often are the words “if we do this or change that so and so will leave the church and they are big contributors”. What does it matter? The church is to put God first and worship, seeking and serving Him first and then second to bring the gospel outside (OUTSIDE) of the church walls making disciples and thirdly we are sent to be the hands and feet of Jesus. That includes helping in areas like poverty and hunger and homelessness and so on and so forth. We were not left on this earth to play music that makes Us happy and buy things for our own churches to keep Us and “our” ministry endeavors happy. And our decisions should not cater to partiality but to His Word and His truth. And we wonder why people leave the church or never step foot in it in the first place…. just a thought.


It has been really encouraging to see posts from these girls that show what they have been taught.  Don’t let it stop with them… take initiative, be intentional, and start to speak up!

See the reports on the secondthird, and fourth weeks.


Recent Read: Task Force Valor Series

Lovely Little Naomi | Recent Read: Task Force Valor SeriesIn the past week or two, I just finished a series I was reading for about a month: the Task Force Valor Series by Chuck Holton.

Focused on a specialized team of army men, this trilogy follows the actions of the team as they fly around the world, meet new love interests, and recognize the role that God should play in their very hazardous lives.

These three books are all connected through an overarching storyline that is merely divided into three phases.  From the hostile refugee camps of Lebanon to the wild jungles of Panama to the nuclear wasteland of Chernobyl, these men are sent to chase terrorists as they move a deadly liquid explosive across the globe with horrific results.  First being discovered in isolated attacks around the world, this substance is quickly recognized as a threat against the home front as well.

Each book focuses on different members of the team, so that every successive story has a new perspective.  The team members all have different back stories that must be faced as they witness horrors that unearth issues from their pasts.  The way that this trilogy is written highlights the various traits that these individuals have, allowing you to get to know the team on a personal level as they work to fight evil men.

In summary, it would be an understatement to say that these books are action-packed.  They offer a unique storyline that is only resolved at the end of the third book, but you are kept interested all the way through.  Yet, more than your typical action story, this novel series has deeper levels of personality and spirituality that only make you want to get to know the guys on Task Force Valor even after their story is done.


The June James Challenge

Lovely Little Naomi | The June James ChallengeA while ago, I had the idea of reading a book of the Bible every day for a whole month.  Having finished with 1 Thessalonians, I wanted to start in on the book of James, a short book, but one that is chock full of wisdom. I’ve never had a class that was focused on it and I’ve never actively studied it out before, so I thought it would be the perfect candidate for something like this.

However, I didn’t want to just leave this up to me, so I decided to make it a challenge for all of you too. After all, this blog is meant to start people talking about what is going on in their lives, and I want that to include what is learned in daily devotions.

So here is the run down of the challenge.

I will be covering this both on my blog and on my Instagram (use the hashtag #junejameschallenge if you want to join in).  All you have to do is the following:

  • Read the whole book of James every day for the entire month of June (even if you’re late to the party and missed the beginning of the month, read it for the remainder of the time).
  • Optional: Keep a record what you are learning, no matter how mind-blowing or insignificant it may be.
  • Comment to let me know whether you are joining in on the challenge and what God is teaching you through this book!  Ideally, I would like this to start people talking about their devotions beyond this blog, but for this challenge, just share some notable things that God is showing you or how this challenge is influencing you over the month.

The purposes of this challenge?  To get into God’s Word and study it closely, and to get you talking with others about what God is doing in your lives.  Hopefully this challenge will inspire you to start vocalizing your faith in everyday life!

Will you join me in taking the #junejameschallenge?

See the reports on the first weeksecond week, third week, and fourth week.
